Pastor Reese & First Lady T
Meet Our Pastor

Maurice Robinson
Rev. Robinson’s tutelage began under our late Founder and Overseer, Rev. Dr. Jennie Benson Vaughn. Under her leadership he was first ordained a Deacon in 1985 and thereafter ordained a Minister, July 1994. He continued under Rev. Vaughn’s leadership until her demise in May 2006. He continued to serve her successor, the late Rev. Theresa Hatcher where she appointed him Presiding Minister and Administrator of her affairs, until her demise in November 2021. Over the years, Rev. Robinson has served in various leadership capacities including Youth Ministries Director, Men’s Day Chairman, Men’s Fellowship Group Leader, Deacon, Associate Minister, and Mass Choir Director and Presiding Minister.
Whatever capacity he served in; Rev. Robinson took his job seriously. He practiced excellence and commitment in serving the late Founder and Overseer, Rev. Dr. Jennie Benson Vaughn and her successor Rev. Theresa R. Hatcher with loyalty, dedication, and pride. Anyone who knew Rev. Robinson knew he was a proud member of St. Teresa Holiness Science Church. He took that same dedication and tenacity to service beyond the walls of the church into the community where he visited the sick, the imprisoned, ministered in shelters to the homeless and downtrodden.
We are proud to call him our leader and excited to see what God has awaiting our organization as he takes on the helm.
Meet Our Ministerial Staff

Reverend Juan Davis
Minister of the Kingdom of God, an advocate for the underserved. Meeting people where they are to help get them where they want to be; Spiritually, Physically and Economically. A passion for empowering God’s people, (especially the youth) in the areas of Stewardship and Kingdom Principles; so that our earthly journey is lived from an eternal perspective…

Evangelist Marilyn A. Woods
Ordained August 1, 1997 as an Evangelist for Christ under the leadership of Reverend Dr. Jennie B. Vaughn, for the work of ministry within, but not limited to, the St. Teresa Holiness Science Church Organization, Incorporated.
As part of the ministerial team of the St. Teresa HSC organization; my hope is to employ my God-given talents to teach and promote spiritual growth and guidance to both believers and non-believers. To expose a deeper knowledge of the scriptures and bring awareness of the bountiful rewards and benefits that result from having a relationship with the Creator.
My personal goal is to live openly for God and to share the truth of his loving grace and salvation. My mission is to influence as many as I can into developing a personal relationship with Christ.
In summary, my calling is best summed up in one of my favorite scriptures, Luke 4:18 which translates in part: “I have been anointed to preach the gospel to the poor and to set at liberty those who are oppressed.”

Reverend Justin Priest
My ministry focus is expressing the kingdom living by faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Encouraging the down trodden and forgotten individuals of the Kingdom through service, teaching, and expository preaching.

Evangelist Daphne Stokes
I was ordained under the leadership of the late Rev. Theresa R. Hatcher. My God given assignment is to teach, preach, motivate and inspire. To awaken the passion and desire within to worship God in spirit and in truth. Expounding the presence of a true and living God and bearing witness that His mercy endures forever. My desire is to reach those with an ear to hear, listening to the Spirit of the Lord and in turn recognizing that He is indeed nigh, and His grace is at hand. My vision is to spread the gospel and “be a bright light before men that they see the works and glorify the Father which is in heaven”. (Matthew 5:16) Inspirational scripture: “Come unto me, all that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)1

Reverend Damon Bohanon
In December of 1989, the late Pastor, Founder and Overseer, Rev. Dr. Jennie B. Vaughn gave my mother (Evangelist Marilyn Woods) a prophecy. She proclaimed that one day I would preach. This prophecy was fulfilled 15 years later. On January 4, 2004, I was officially ordained and licensed to preach by the late Pastor and Overseer, Rev. Theresa R. Hatcher.
I Believe I AM; therefore, I Can! The ministry God has given me is a “Believing” ministry. Primarily, it focuses on BELIEF Building: (building one’s belief up in the Lord and in the Word of God as is fitting for strong discipleship and right relationship with God.) I preach so that ALL may come to know and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
“I KNOW whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day” 2 Timothy 1:12.

Lay Speaker Deborah Peters
Appointed as a Lay Speaker of St. Teresa Holiness Science Church Organization under the leadership of Rev. Maurice C. Robinson in 2022, my responsibility is to be ready to serve our church in any capacity. Leading worship service, facilitating Bible Studies, delivering a message of hope and faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ are among the ways Lay Speakers serve and the ultimate responsibility is to support the structures and work on the congregation.