February 14. 2024

Daily Scripture Reading: John 1:35-42


“Jesus turned and saw them following and said to them, ‘What
are you seeking?’ And they said to him, ‘Rabbi’ (which means
Teacher), ‘where are you staying?’ He said to them, ‘Come and
you will see…’”
JOHN 1:38-39

As this season of Lent begins, we must ask ourselves,
“What am I seeking?” Jesus asked these two disciples this
straightforward question. Their answer was far from profound,
but Jesus still gave them a simple invitation. “Come and see.”
This invitation began a journey of radical transformation, but it
all started with an honest answer to a heart-revealing question.
What are you seeking?

Take a moment to pause and reflect—what have you been
seeking? Will you commit to seek Jesus for the next 40 days
and accept His invitation to come and see the hope of the


“Jesus help me to seek You first today.

A 40 Day Lent devotional at ucc.org